Deku One for All Drawing White and Black

  • Overview
  • Gallery
  • Synopsis
  • Relationships

Even if this hero society comes crashing down... even if I rise to rule the underworld... that weight in my heart is never gonna go away. It's why I hate everything. Every living, breathing thing just rubs me the wrong way. So why not destroy it all? Why not destroy everything?

Tomura Shigaraki to Daruma Ujiko in "Tomura Shigaraki: Distortion"

Tomura Shigaraki ( ( ) ( がら ) ( ) ( とむら ) , Shigaraki Tomura ? ), real name Tenko Shimura ( ( ) ( むら ) ( てん ) ( ) , Shimura Tenko ? ), is the main antagonist of the My Hero Academia manga and anime series.

He is the leader of the League of Villains after his master, All For One's, defeat and arrest. He made his first major appearance as one of the main antagonists of the U.S.J. Arc. Like the rest of the League, his goal is to kill All Might, the "Symbol of Peace," thus destroying the society he represents and to create a new one with a new form of justice in his own image.

Later on, Tomura changed his goal to instead, destroy society all together rather than reshape it. He soon merged his organization and the Meta Liberation Army to form the Paranormal Liberation Front, becoming its Grand Commander and later inheriting the All For One Quirk. He's currently fighting for control over his body against All For One, while his former master waits until said body is complete.


  • 1 Appearance
    • 1.1 Gallery
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Abilities
    • 3.1 Quirks
    • 3.2 Former Quirks
    • 3.3 Stats
  • 4 Equipment
  • 5 Battles & Events
  • 6 Relatives
  • 7 Chapter Appearances
  • 8 Anime Appearances
  • 9 Trivia
  • 11 References
  • 12 Site Navigation


Tomura's unobscured face.

Tomura is a slim man with pale skin, tinged yellow teeth, and wrinkled a great deal around his eyes. His lips are chapped and uneven, a small mole on the right underneath, with visible scars on his right eye and under his lip. He has messy grayish-blue hair of varying lengths, the longest clumps reaching to about his shoulders, left hanging over his face in uneven waves. His eyes and mouth are normally obscured, but when visible, they are usually stretched wide in a rather maniacal manner, their bright red irises very small.

Interestingly, when Tenko was at the age of five, he bore a striking resemblance to Izuku Midoriya, with his blue hair originally being dark black in color as well as having gray eyes instead of red. He also had dried patches of skin around his eyes, though his lips were shown to be healthy in appearance. After his Quirk manifested, his appearance changed giving him a wrinkled face, his hair color to a more light blue, and his eyes slowly turned to red after the first manifestation.

When in his civilian outfit, he always wears plain red sneakers that are similar to Izuku's, along with black pants which expose his ankles, and a matching long-sleeved v-neck shirt, a plain black jacket over the top with the hood pulled low over his face to hide his identity and he carries one of his disembodied hands in his pocket.

His villain costume sports fourteen embalmed hands, all positioned so they're holding onto him onto different parts of his body. These hands were taken from dead individuals and embalmed by Kyudai Garaki, who gave them a zombie-like grayish-blue color and attached to their bases a golden box with two holes drilled into the bottom.

Each pair of these hands originally belonged to an individual killed by Tomura during the time his Quirk first manifested: the one on his neck is his mother's; on his arms, his grandfather's; on his forearms, his grandmother's; on his wrists, his sister's; and the ones on his chest and shoulders are from two unnamed street punks.

The hand that holds and hides Tomura's face, and that he sometimes keeps in his pocket, is his father's left hand, called "Father" by him. The right one was accidentally destroyed by him, so Kyudai had to make one to hold on the top of Tomura's head; this hand is connected to his mother's pair through two red cords. All of the hands except one have been either destroyed or lost and discarded. For the rest of the outfit, Tomura just wears his regular black clothes, bar the jacket. He used to wear red tennis shoes, but they were destroyed.

After All For One's arrest, Tomura's hair has gotten longer, and he adopts a hooded leather coat that he wears over his costume. He also added two additional red cords to connect the hands on his shoulders to the hands on his chest. During his fight with Re-Destro, Tomura's left hand was crushed, leaving only his ring and pinky fingers. After the Revival Celebration, Tomura wore a formal suit underneath a red coat similar to Overhaul's, and a temporary leg brace. His right arm and hand were bandaged after having unleashed the destructive true strength of his Decay Quirk, and he wore an orange brace (black in the anime) fitted with prosthetic fingers for his left hand. He also wears a single remaining hand on his face that serves as his iconic mask, as the rest of these hands were destroyed. After his Quirk awakened during the Meta Liberation Army Arc, his hair has also changed color once again, from light blue to white.

During the events of My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising, Tomura wore a dark red trench coat along with the brace for his left hand, although he is depicted with his original clothes and hair color (likely due to the anime staff not having an adaptation of his updated design for him at the time).

By the time the heroes raid the Jaku General Hospital, Tomura wore a black bodysuit with several mechanical enhancements similar to that of Nine's. He also dons X-Less' cape once he finally awakens from his deep slumber, although the top part of his body suit was destroyed in his battle with Endeavor and his cape was completely incinerated. Tomura also now possesses small holes in his hands as a result of acquiring the "All For One" Quirk. It's also shown he lost his skinny figure in the process and gained a more muscular physique, and his left prosthetic fingers were replaced with a bio-mechanical device.

After the Paranormal Liberation War, his body begins to break apart as a cost of overusing All For One with an incomplete body, resulting in cracks and scars protruding all along his arms and neck, stretching down to his stomach. His eyes also appear to become faded when All For One is in control.

His current outfit now consists of a long sleeve black shirt that is also longer at the bottom, black pants, his traditional red shoes, and a long ragged-looking cape. He also now possesses long, flowing white hair as a result of his ongoing fusion with All For One.



Tomura scratching his neck while stressed.

Tomura has a malevolent and warped personality, considered to be the dark reflection of Izuku Midoriya. He doesn't care for his or almost anyone else's life, having no qualms about performing evil deeds like murdering innocent people.[2] [3] Tomura was initially perceived to be a "man-child": arrogant, selfish, dependent, and demanding, becoming angry if things didn't go his way and likening reality to some sort of video game. Unlike his mentor, Tomura lacks subtlety, preferring to eliminate problems through force. Much like a child, Tomura seemed unable to cope with his own feelings, instead of lashing out and abusing both others or himself, tearing at his own neck when he becomes frustrated. This particular meltdown stems from the abuse he suffered from his father and being alone during his childhood, with All For One claiming that it represented his suppressed urge to kill and destroy.[4] A very irritable person at the beginning of the series, Tomura would learn to be more patient and self-controlled in subsequent appearances, as a consequence of multiple failed plans and All For One's arrest.

Tomura declaring that Stain will be nothing next to the League.

Tomura is proud of the League of Villains, wanting to prove that his organization has the necessary power to shake society and taking pleasure in mocking those standing in his way. He doesn't tolerate others making light of the League's name and loathes the idea of certain personalities joining him, as was the case with Dabi and Himiko Toga at the beginning, which was made worse by the fact that they were inspired by Stain, who had previously refused membership and overshadowed Tomura's Nomus in terms of media exposure after the Hosu Incident.[3] For similar reasons, he looked down on the Shie Hassaikai for their intentions of ruling the underworld over the League. In the end, however, Tomura can set his pride aside in order to do whatever is needed to accomplish his goals, adopting Stain's ideology to enlist more members to his cause and forming a deal with the Shie Hassaikai for the development of the Quirk-Destroying Drug.

Initially, Tomura seemingly caused destruction just for the sake of it and felt directionless about the League's path forward after Stain's arrest. It would take a fateful meeting with Izuku in a mall for him to develop an epiphany and become aware of his true convictions: to crumble society through All Might's death. Tomura always had a desire to kill All Might, but out of an impulsive expression of anarchy towards a society that hurt him and caused his mental instability. After hearing from Izuku, Tomura realized that All Might is what he hates about both Izuku and Stain, wishing to see them, as well as society as a whole, lose their Symbol of Peace.[5] Following All Might's retirement and during the League of Villains' encounter with the Meta Liberation Army, Tomura's convictions grew from crippling society to completely destroy it, apparently as a result of an innate sense of pain and suffering caused by his past memories. By Tomura's own admission, he hates everything that breathes, displaying an extreme form of nihilism.

Tomura being found by All For One.

Despite Tomura's general disgust of life, there are a select number of people he holds in high esteem. He has a close relationship with his mentor, All For One, the one person who came for his aid when he found himself alone and lost as a child. Tomura holds a great amount of respect and attachment for All For One, always referring to him as "Sensei" and being concerned for his well-being.[6] Incidentally, Tomura happens to carry All For One's family name (Shigaraki), symbolizing a relationship close to father and son. Tomura also had Kurogiri as a trusted confidant and adviser, despite treating him harshly at times. Kurogiri's capture was noted to have made Tomura upset as the latter valued the former's company and abilities. Aside from those two and Kyudai Garaki, who all had a hand in raising him, Tomura is rather distant to his other allies, although he does seem to care about them, enough to prioritize their comfort once he obtained the necessary finances and being enraged when Overhaul killed Magne and destroyed Compress' arm.

As a child, Tenko was shown to be relatively normal, even kind and compassionate. He held a great love for his family and a strong desire to become a hero someday, not unlike Izuku Midoriya. However, he was also psychologically fragile from the constant abuse he suffered from his hero-hating father, being terrified of his mere presence. Because of this oppressive upbringing and the inaction from the rest of his family, Tenko's mind eventually snapped due to his Quirk manifesting and destroying his household.

At first, Tomura expressed heavy remorse for accidentally killing his family upon losing control of his newfound Quirk. The severed hands that Tomura wears all over himself are the only physical remnants of his dead loved ones, claiming that they make him feel simultaneously sick and calm.[7] Despite his sadness, Tomura experienced a partial relish in his family's demise since he considered them responsible for letting him suffer at his father's will. By Tomura's own admission, he felt cathartic pleasure while ending Kotaro's life as retaliation for his abusive treatment.[8] During his fight with Re-Destro, Tomura overcame his past shackles of guilt after getting his memories back and now looks forward to the end of society, using his childhood feelings to further fuel his hatred.[9]

Despite his past, however, Tomura holds no hatred towards his family, with the exception of his father and paternal grandmother. This is shown when he assured his sister in his visions that he wasn't mad at her for framing him and also assured his mother that he was fine while turning back into a child in front of her, proving that a part of Tomura still cares about his family. However, he was willing to reject their pleas in order to continue the pursuit of his evil conquest, showing that he won't let them hinder his goals.

After gaining the power of All For One, as well as the upgrades to his body, Tomura becomes extremely cocky and arrogant in believing that no one can stop him, even when his Quirks were briefly erased by Eraser Head, temporarily hindering his power. Tomura also further showcased his belief that his origins and strong resolve would help him win and become unstoppable. Even when Tomura was inches away from death he still refused to give up, vowing to destroy any heroes whom he believed ruined his life.

Despite feeling grateful towards All For One, Tomura outright states to him that he wishes to carve his own legacy and become greater than his master. However, Tomura quickly begins to detest All For One after learning that his true goals were to his use his body as a vessel and take it over permanently. Tomura even went as far as to try and attack All For One's vestige and later refused to be his master's "pawn" whilst trying to regain control of his body.

According to Izuku, the latter could hear a crying child deep within Tomura during the bout in One For All's mental realm. As it turns out, deep within Tomura's vestige lies a visage of Tenko, thinking about Izuku, hinting that a part of Tomura still wants to be saved and that his previous scared and lonely self isn't completely gone.


Tomura's increased speed and technique after training against Gigantomachia.

Overall Abilities: Tomura is known to be the most powerful villain in Japan if not the world, he surpassing that of All For One himself, contending with Pro Heroes in combat thanks to his physical and analytical skills. As the leader of the League of Villains, Tomura has total command over his powerful subordinates. During the U.S.J. Incident, Tomura had the mettle to briefly take on the formidable Pro Hero Eraser Head, and successfully use his Decay Quirk on the Erasure Hero's right arm. Tomura was even confident that he could take down Izuku, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, and Eijiro Kirishima, four extremely powerful U.A. High School students, although at the time, didn't know the full extent of the quartet's abilities. Tomura was capable of battling Gigantomachia for half a month, not giving up until he is able to make the behemoth submit. When he faced Re-Destro, and his left hand was partially destroyed, Tomura's prowess had been suddenly enhanced to levels beyond his natural parameters. According to Re-Destro, if Tomura had his newly increased physical parameters during the Kamino Incident, he would've easily taken out at least one or two of the Pro Heroes during that event, even without his Decay Quirk.[10] After a fierce battle, he was not only able to defeat Re-Destro to gain control of the latter's army, but also tame Gigantomachia with his accomplishment. Similar to his master, Tomura's aura is able to instill fear into others, and his mere gaze was enough to paralyze Trumpet's followers, who were under the influence of Incite and given orders to eliminate Tomura.[11] This was seen again when he encountered Izuku and Katsuki, with his mere presence being powerful enough to instill hallucinations of death into both teenagers.[12] After Kyudai Garaki conducts body modifications to Tomura, his overall abilities have surpasses all of the Pro-Heroes to the point where his powers are on par with Toshinori Yagi when the latter had One For All. Due to his immense power Tomura eventually grew to be feared worldwide due to being able to kill the immensely powerful Star and Stripe one of the worlds top heroes.

  • Enhanced Strength: Tomura seems to be stronger than his build suggests, capable of holding Izuku by choking him with only four fingers while his victim displayed visible difficulty in trying to fight back.
  • Enhanced Durability: Tomura was able to withstand a point-blank blast from Katsuki's Explosion Quirk, sustaining little to no damage. He was even capable of battling Gigantomachia for a month and a half, and withstand the behemoth's attacks.[13] This trait carries on to the point where he manages to withstand a brutal beating from a powered-up Re-Destro.[14]
  • Enhanced Speed: Tomura appears to be able to move very quickly, which helps him to touch his targets and affect them with minimal contact. He was able to appear before Tsuyu Asui in an instant and see Izuku after the latter had jumped at a speed that rivaled All Might's, immediately reacting afterwards. Only All Might himself was too fast for Tomura to track. Even when he was notably exhausted during the battle against the Meta Liberation Army, he swiftly swung himself atop a wall to avoid a massive onslaught of Army members, to their surprise, before disintegrating many of them in an instant. When he battled Re-Destro, he was able to move so fast with minimal wasted movements, that Re-Destro was taken by surprise by the increase in speed he had obtained.

Keen Intellect: Tomura possesses a sharp mind and is analytical, being able to deduce the workings of his opponents' abilities simply by observing them in action. He quickly deduced Eraser Head's weaknesses in combat and took advantage of them.[15] Tomura has a certain skill for unexpected plans, even when his intentions are apparently clear. After battling Gigantomachia for over a month, Tomura realized that the behemoth has gotten much slower compared to the League of Villains' first encounter with him, and strongly believes that he will soon have Gigantomachia successfully tamed.

As an almost fully merged consciousness of Tomura and All For One's vestige, he possesses all the knowledge, experience, intelligence, and cunning of the original All For One.

Indomitable Will: Stemming from his traumatic past, abuse, and his hatred of hero society, Tomura has a remarkably strong willpower. When fighting Re-Destro, despite the villain's superior strength, Tomura refused to yield, and this determination allowed him to re-awaken the true power of his Quirk. This willpower was enough to strike a sense of fear in Re-Destro, who was single-handedly defeated in battle. Tomura's aura remained frightening enough that his gaze petrified all of Trumpet's followers who were empowered by Incite to kill him. His willpower and hatred of the current society is so strong that even after having his stabilization process interrupted and left biologically dead, he was able to bring himself back to life through the sheer force of his hatred.[16] Despite being overwhelmed by multiple attacks from multiple heroes such as Endeavor, Katsuki, and Izuku, Tomura continued to push through the pain and continued to surpass his limits multiple times throughout the fight. Even when being charred to a crisp by Endeavor's Prominence Burn and barely remaining conscious, Tomura refused to flee and attempted to fight against the remaining heroes with whatever he had left. One of the reasons All For One chose Tomura to receive the All For One Quirk is that Tomura's will and hatred could potentially be strong enough to force One For All to come to him and override the will of the current user and the spirits housed within. While he failed at the initial attempt (whether his hatred/will was insufficient or due to his body being incomplete is unclear), his will was strong enough to begin to erode One For All and start to draw it to him. The spirits within One For All even state that it would be possible for Tomura to steal One For All if his body and will are strong enough.[17]

Bodily Modification: After becoming leader of the Paranormal Liberation Front and earning the respect of Gigantomachia, Kyudai Garaki subjected a willing Tomura to body modification surgery. While the details of this surgery and its effects are unknown, the doctor believes that it will allow Tomura to surpass the powers of One For All. Even before the surgery was finished, a hero as powerful as Mirko was overcome with fear when she sensed him in his surgery capsule to the point that she attempted to smash it, and quickly told the other heroes that Tomura could not be allowed to awaken from the surgery no matter what.[18] Indeed, Tomura's physical abilities have increased so exponentially that, upon his awakening, Endeavor goes as far as to compare him to All Might.[19] The modifications allow him to drastically amplify the power of his already awakened Decay Quirk, giving him the ability to disintegrate masses as large as the entire Jaku Hospital, a portion of the surrounding city and the nearby forest and mountains in one fell swoop.[20] However, because his modification was interrupted before completion, his new body has some drawbacks and will begin to tear if he overexerts himself, as seen when a large tear appeared on Tomura's chest and arm, and even the super regeneration took a moment to kick in.[21]

  • Immense Strength: After the surgery, Tomura's natural physical strength was augmented by several levels, allowing him to move freely in the air with only his arm movements. Endeavor went so far as to compare Tomura's strength to All Might, though Dr. Garaki stated that Tomura's strength is not quite on-par with All Might's, since any further remodeling of his body would've overburdened his mind.[22] Even this level of strength was enough to easily overpower both Endeavor and Ryukyu while his Quirks were erased, as well as Deku with 45% of One For All.
  • Immense Speed: Tomura's speed was significantly enhanced by the surgery, allowing him to outmaneuver Endeavor and move across Jaku City in very little time, as well as outpace several other heroes, and catch up to Deku and Katsuki. When pushing his body past its limits, his speed increases even more, managing to catch Gran Torino, one of the fastest heroes in the world, and impale his chest before he could react.
  • Immense Durability: The modifications to Tomura's body significantly increased his durability, allowing Tomura to withstand Endeavor's strongest attacks. Tomura was also able to take Katsuki's AP Machine-Gun, likening the explosions to mere fireworks.[19] His remarkable durability showed itself when he was able to stay conscious after enduring Katsuki's Grenadier explosion and Endeavor's Vanishing Fist, but more impressively, manage to endure Izuku's Wyoming Smash, all while having his Quirks erased. He was also strong enough to endure multiple smash attacks from Deku at 100% in repeated succession. Perhaps his most remarkable feat of durability is when he was able to withstand Star and Stripe's State-of-the-Art Hypersonic Intercontinental Cruise Punch, an attack with enough power to be seen from the Japanese mainland, although Tomura was forced to bury himself underneath the ground to avoid the full brunt of the blast and had most of his body destroyed by the force of the blast.[23]
  • Immense Stamina: Tomura has demonstrated a significant increase in stamina, being able to withstand great pain and continue standing after multiple powerful attacks even without having his Super Regeneration Quirk. Despite being struck by both Katsuki and Endeavor's super moves in succession, Tomura was still able to continue fighting, pushing past his limits and moving faster than before. However, because of the incomplete stabilization, his body momentarily started to break down, with his super regeneration taking a minute to kick in.[21] The stabilization interruption continued to have a toll on his body, as Izuku noted Tomura's regeneration had slowed down even further after taking hits from him at 100%.[24] Even after being pummeled by Deku with multiple smash attacks at 100% and being charred by Endeavor's Prominence Burn, Tomura was able to retain his consciousness and keep fighting.


Tomura decaying Eraser Head's arm.

Decay ( ( ほう ) ( かい ) , Hōkai ? ): Tomura's Quirk allows him to disintegrate whatever he touches with all five fingers. It will take effect whether the target is organic or not. The disintegration spreads quickly and will spread through the victim's whole body if they don't amputate the decaying body part. His Quirk can even spread beyond what he's touching, allowing him to disintegrate large groups of enemies instantly.[25]

Because the Quirk has to touch a solid object in order to be activated, it is possible to counter it through manipulation of fluids or particles, such as Snatch's sand body.[26]

During his battle against Re-Destro, Tomura's Quirk underwent what Rikiya describes as reawakening that bolsters the effectiveness and reach of Decay. Allowing him to not only whither away his targets without needing all five fingers, a feat displayed when Tomura used his two remaining digits to partially damage Re-Destro's giant pointer after the latter destroyed three of Tomura's own fingers on his left hand, albeit the effect was much slower and weaker compared to when Tomura uses all five of his digits.[14] But to deteriorate anything his power touches even when it doesn't directly connect with certain abstracts that he's using it on, like when a number of people he never made physical contact with were disintegrated and again when nearly all of Deika City and everything in it was reduced to dust in one go using his one good hand.[27]

After his surgery, Tomura's Quirk became significantly more powerful, allowing him to decay almost a third of Jaku City. Additionally, the power of Decay increased enough that even getting hit with a stray piece of decaying rubble would be enough to kill a person.[12] Not only did Tomura manage to increase Decay's power, but he also managed to obtain a much greater degree of control, allowing Tomura to choose specific targets not to hit with his Decay, which he did to spare several of the Nomu.[22]

Tomura attempts to use All For One to Steal One For All.

All For One (オール・フォー・ワン , Ōru Fō Wan ? ): Tomura's second Quirk is the original version of All For One used by his master.[28] It allows him to steal other people's Quirks and use them as his own. Just like its counterpart Quirk One For All, this Quirk contains the vestigial will and consciousness of its previous wielder. However unlike One For All, the vestigial will of its previous wielder seeks to usurp Tomura's body using his negative emotions such as anger and hatred as a catalyst. This makes the relation more parasitic than symbiotic unlike its counterpart, thus allowing the elder Shigaraki's vestigial consciousness to take over instead.

  • Super Regeneration ( ( ちょう ) ( さい ) ( せい ) , Chōsaisei ? ): Tomura possesses the ability to regenerate from any injuries at high speeds, allowing him to withstand Endeavor's Hellflame.[29]
  • Search (サーチ , Sāchi ? ): Tomura possesses Ragdoll's former Quirk, allowing him to view up to one hundred individuals at a time. He can see them from a distance and through obscuring barriers. This Quirk also allows him to identify their weak points.[29]
  • Air Cannon ( ( くう ) ( ) ( ) ( ) , Kūki o Oshidasu ? ): Tomura can fire large blasts of pressurized air from the palms of his hands.[29]
  • Radio Waves ( ( でん ) ( ) , Denpa ? ): Tomura can disrupt radio waves and cause communicators to malfunction.[12]
  • Rivet Stab (鋲突 , Byōtotsu ? ): Tomura creates black tendrils that have red prominent cracked lines from his hands and his spine as an offensive technique, stabbing Endeavor and Katsuki with them.[30]
  • Heavy Payload ( ( じゅう ) ( ) , Jūka ? ): Tomura can seemingly increase the amount of damage being dealt.[31]
  • Scatter ( ( かく ) ( さん ) , Kakusan ? ): Tomura can split up projectiles allowing them to scatter all over.[31]
  • Springlike Limbs ( ( きん ) ( こつ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) , Kinkotsu Baneka ? ): Tomura can coil his muscles, allowing him to enhance his physical strength and push himself through the air.[31]
  • Wing: Tomura can grow black wings from his back.[32]

Former Quirks

  • Reflect ( ( はん ) ( しゃ ) , Hansha ? ): Tomura could reflect attacks back towards his opponents.[31] This Quirk was destroyed by New Order.[33]
  • New Order ( 新秩序 ( ニューオーダー ) , Nyūōdā ? ): Stolen from Cathleen Bate, this Quirk allowed Tomura to set a rule upon his surroundings, manipulating them to his will. However, due to a rule Cathleen imposed on it before it was stolen, it revolted against other Quirks stored within Tomura's body, even destroying some of them,[33] to the point of its own self-destruction.[34]


Power 2/5 D
Speed 5/5 A
Technique 5/5 A
Intelligence 5/5 A
Cooperativeness 2/5 D
Tomura's stats, according to the Ultra Archive Book
Power 6/6 S+
Speed 4/6 B-
Technique 5/6 A
Wits 5/6 A
Hands 6/6 S
Tomura's stats, according to the Ultra Analysis Book


Disembodied Hands: The most characteristic element of Tomura's costume is a set of fourteen disembodied hands, covering his upper body and face. These hands are the remnants of his family, which he accidentally killed when his Decay Quirk manifested for the first time. The main hand on his face is called "Father". The hands were recovered and preserved by Kyudai Garaki, returning them to Tomura when he was rescued by All For One. An additional two sets of hands from two hoodlums were added to his villain costume. They have no other function than help Tomura's mind, who confesses that his hands make him feel calm and at peace, although also cause nausea. During his battle with Re-Destro, all but one of the hands got destroyed and Tomura himself would end up destroying his father's hand that had covered his face as a way to liberate himself from the past. He would wear the remaining hand as his trademark mask, which was later revealed as Nana Shimura's hand. All For One would then use the hand as a way to fully gain control of Tomura's body, as the calming hatred he feels when wearing it gives him more control.

Battles & Events

Battles & Events

U.S.J. Arc

  • U.S.J. Incident
    • Eraser Head & U.A. Students vs. Tomura & Nomu
    • All Might & U.A Students vs. League of Villains

Vs. Hero Killer Arc

  • Hosu Incident

Hideout Raid Arc

  • Kamino Incident
    • Hideout Raid Team vs. League of Villains
    • Katsuki Bakugo vs. League of Villains

Shie Hassaikai Arc

  • Overhaul vs. League of Villains
  • Shie Hassaikai Raid
    • League of Villains vs. Snatch

Meta Liberation Army Arc

  • League of Villains vs. CRC
  • League of Villains vs. Gigantomachia
  • Tomura Shigaraki vs. Gigantomachia
  • Revival Celebration
    • Tomura Shigaraki vs. Re-Destro

Paranormal Liberation War Arc

  • Paranormal Liberation War
    • Jaku Hospital Raid
      • Hospital Raid Team & Trainees vs. Tomura Shigaraki
      • Best Jeanist & U.A. Students vs Paranormal Liberation Front
    • Assault on Tartarus

Star and Stripe Arc

  • "Tomura Shigaraki" vs. Star and Stripe


Chapter Appearances

v e
Battle Trial Arc
8. Rage, You Damned Nerd Absent
9. Deku vs. Kacchan Absent
10. Breaking Bakugo Absent
11. Bakugo's Starting Line Debut
v e
U.S.J. Arc
12. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Ida! Appears
13. Rescue Training Appears
14. Encounter with the Unknown Appears
15. Vs. Mentioned
16. Know Your Enemies Appears
17. Game Over Appears
18. Heroes' Counterattack Appears
19. All Might Appears
20. The World of Pros Appears
21. In Each of Our Hearts Appears
v e
U.A. Sports Festival Arc
22. That's the Idea, Ochaco Flashback
23. Roaring Sports Festival Absent
24. Mad Dash and Knockdown Absent
25. In Their Own Quirky Ways Absent
26. Chase Down the Leader Appears
27. Earth-Shatteringly Fateful Negotiations Absent
28. Strats, Strats, Strats Absent
29. Unaware Absent
30. Cavalry-Match Finale Absent
31. The Boy Born with Everything Absent
32. Smile, Prince of Nonsense Land! Absent
33. Shinso's Situation Absent
34. Victory or Defeat Absent
35. Battle On, Challengers! Absent
36. Bakugo vs. Uraraka Absent
37. Midoriya and Endeavor Absent
38. Todoroki vs. Midoriya Appears
39. Shoto Todoroki: Origin Absent
40. Emancipation Absent
41. Fight On, Ida Absent
42. Final-Match Time Appears
43. Todoroki vs. Bakugo Absent
44. Relaxing Day Off Appears
v e
Vs. Hero Killer Arc
45. Time to Pick Some Names Flashback
46. Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears Absent
47. Struggling Appears
48. Getting the Knack Absent
49. Midoriya and Shigaraki Appears
50. Kill 'Em Dead Appears
51. No, Knock It Off, Ida Appears
52. Hero Killer Stain vs. U.A. Students Mentioned
53. From Todoroki to Ida Absent
54. Re: Ingenium Absent
55. Conclusion?! Absent
56. Conclusion Appears
57. The Aftermath of Hero Killer Stain Appears
58. Internship's End Absent
59. Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past Screen
v e
Final Exams Arc
60. Gear Up for Final Exams Absent
61. The Worst Combo Absent
62. Katsuki Bakugo: Origin Absent
63. Yaoyorozu Rising Absent
64. The Task at Hand Absent
65. Wall Absent
66. Midoriya's Observations Absent
67. Stripping the Varnish Appears
68. Encounter Appears
69. Interview with Midoriya Appears
v e
Forest Training Camp Arc
70. Wild, Wild, Pussycats Flashback
71. Kota Voice
72. Day Two Absent
73. Good Evening Absent
74. Smoke Signal Absent
75. Stake Your Life, Hero! Absent
76. My Hero Absent
77. It's Okay Appears
78. Whirling Chaos Absent
79. Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!! Absent
80. Establishing the Bakugo Bodyguard Brigade Absent
81. Roaring Upheaval Mentioned
82. What a Twist! Mentioned
83. Loss Absent
v e
Hideout Raid Arc
84. From Ida to Midoriya Appears
85. Nothing but Fools Appears
86. Before the Storm Appears
87. Clash Appears
88. All For One Appears
89. All for a Certain One Appears
90. Reach Out Appears
91. Symbol of Peace Appears
92. One For All Flashback
93. One For All's Ember Flashback
94. From Teacher to Disciple Appears
95. End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End Pictured
96. Home Visits Absent
97. Tell It Like It Is, Mom Absent
v e
Provisional Hero License Exam Arc
98. Moving into Dorms Absent
99. Goodbye Two-Digit Chapters, Hello Three Digits Absent
100. Creating Ultimate Moves Flashback
101. The Girl Called Mei Hatsume Absent
102. On Cloud Nine Absent
103. The Test Absent
104. White-Hot Battle! To Each Their Own Strengths! Absent
105. Shiketsu High Lurking Absent
106. Class 1-A Absent
107. Denki Kaminari's Thoughts Absent
108. RUSH! Absent
109. Rescue Exercise Absent
110. Rescue Exercise Continued Absent
111. Smoldering Start Absent
112. What's the Big Idea? Absent
113. Test's Aftermath Absent
114. Results' Aftermath Appears
115. Unleashed Mentioned
116. Meeting in Tartarus Mentioned
117. A Talk About Your Quirk Absent
118. Meaningless Battle Absent
119. Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 Absent
120. The Three Absent
121. Second Semester Opening Ceremony Absent
v e
Shie Hassaikai Arc
122. A Season for Encounters Absent
123. Unrivaled Absent
124. Trouble Ahead!! Episode: Work Studies Appears
125. Overhaul Appears
126. Open Up, World Absent
127. Sir Nighteye and Izuku Midoriya and Mirio Togata and All Might Absent
128. Boy Meets... Absent
129. Eri Mentioned
130. Listen to the Truth Absent
131. Fighting Fate Appears
132. The Plan Appears
133. Catch Up, Kirishima Absent
134. Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot Absent
135. An Unpleasant Talk Absent
136. Close at Hand!! Absent
137. Restraint!! Absent
138. Go!! Absent
139. Shudder! The Underground Labyrinth Absent
140. Suneater of the Big Three Absent
141. Hassaikai: Behind the Scenes Absent
142. Shield and Shield, Spear and Shield Absent
143. Let's Rumble, Rappa!! Absent
144. Red Riot, Part 1 Absent
145. Red Riot, Part 2 Absent
146. Temp Squad Absent
147. Twoga!! Flashback
148. The Anguish of Young Twoga Flashback
149. Don't Get Mad, Irinaka Mentioned
150. Mirio Togata Absent
151. Mirio Togata!! Absent
152. Lemillion Absent
153. Transform! Mentioned
154. Unforeseen Hope Absent
155. Saviors, the Saved and a Hero's Place Absent
156. The Power of Those Saved Absent
157. Infinite 100 Percent Absent
158. Chisaki's Warped Compassion Absent
159. It's Over!! Appears
160. Expressway Appears
161. Bright Future Absent
162. Suitable One Mentioned
v e
Pro Hero Arc
184. Japanese Hero Billboard Chart Absent
185. Wing Hero: Hawks Absent
186. Endeavor and Hawks Flashback
187. Flaming Roar! vs. Nomu: High-End Absent
188. Your Father, the Number One Hero Absent
189. Why He Gets Back Up Absent
190. His Start Absent
191. Dabi, Hawks, Endeavor Mentioned
192. The Todoroki Family Absent
193. Vestiges Absent
v e
Meta Liberation Army Arc
218. The Meta Liberation Army Absent
219. Go, Slidin' Go! Appears
220. My Villain Academia Appears
221. Memento from All For One Appears
222. Tomura Shigaraki: Distortion Appears
223. Cockroaches Appears
224. Revival Party Appears
225. Interview with a Vampire Appears
226. Bloody Love Appears
227. Sleepy Appears
228. Wounded Soul Mentioned
229. All It Takes Is One Bad Day Absent
230. Sad Man's Parade Flashback
231. Path Appears
232. Meta Abilities and Quirks Appears
233. Bright Future Appears
234. Destruction Sense Appears
235. Tenko Shimura: Origin Appears
236. Tenko Shimura: Origin, Part 2 Appears
237. Tomura Shigaraki: Origin Appears
238. Liberation Appears
239. Successor Appears
240. Power Appears
v e
Endeavor Agency Arc
241. Do That Interview! Absent
242. Have a Merry Christmas! Absent
243. Off to Endeavor's Agency! Absent
244. Recommended Reading Absent
245. Rise to Action Appears
246. Message Appears
247. Status Report! Absent
248. One Thing at a Time Absent
249. The Hellish Todoroki Family Absent
250. Ending Absent
251. Just One Week Absent
252. The Unforgiven Absent
v e
Paranormal Liberation War Arc
253. Shirakumo Mentioned
254. More of a Hero than Anyone Mentioned
255. Hero Hopeful Appears
256. The High, Deep Blue Sky Absent
257. Pass It Forward, to Whomever Absent
258. Friends Fantasy
259. A Quiet Beginning Mentioned
260. Life's Work Appears
261. High-Ends Absent
262. Mirko, the No. 5 Hero Appears
263. I Wanna Be with You Guys!! Mentioned
264. One's Justice Flashback
265. Villains and Heroes Clone
266. Happy Life Appears
267. Flames Appears
268. Scramble! Appears
269. The Three of Us Appears
270. Inheritance Appears
271. Dark Cloud Mentioned
272. Good Morning! Appears
273. The Thrill of Destruction Appears
274. Search Appears
275. Encounter, Part 2 Appears
276. You Cheated...! Appears
277. Who...? Appears
278. Disaster Walker Mentioned
279. League of Villains vs. U.A. Students Absent
280. Red Riot, Part 3 Appears
281. Plus Ultra Appears
282. Footfall of Destruction Appears
283. 75 Appears
284. Deep Blue Battle Appears
285. Katsuki Bakugo Rising Appears
286. The Ones Within Us Appears
287. Mistake Appears
288. Save Takeo!! Fantasy
289. Miss Candid and Miss Shut-Away Appears
290. Dabi's Dance Appears
291. Thanks For Going Strong Appears
292. Threads of Hope Appears
293. Hero-Saturated Society Appears
294. Final Performance Appears
295. Tenacious Appears
296. Hellish Hell Appears
297. Tartarus Appears
298. Sounds of Collapse Appears
299. Like Those Tragic Tales Absent
300. The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part 2 Absent
301. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 1 Absent
302. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 2 Absent
303. Top Three Flashback
304. Izuku Midoriya and Toshinori Yagi Flashback
305. Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki Flashback
306. The Final Act Begins Mentioned
v e
Tartarus Escapees Arc
307. Been a While!! Absent
308. Full Power!! Flashback
309. Can't Be a Child Anymore Flashback
310. Masters and Pupil Flashback
311. Here We Go!! Mentioned
312. Hired Gun Mentioned
313. High-Speed Long-Range Mobile Cannon Mentioned
314. The Lovely Lady Nagant Flashback
315. Platitudes Absent
316. Your Turn Mentioned
317. Scars, Blood, Filth Flashback
318. Reckless Fantasy
319. Friend Absent
320. Deku vs. Class A Flashback
321. From Class A to One For All Fantasy
322. Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight Mentioned
323. That Single Step Screen
324. A Young Woman's Declaration Absent
325. The Bonds of One For All Absent
326. Who Are You Really? Absent
327. Rest!! Mentioned
328. No Man Is an Island Flashback
v e
Star and Stripe Arc
329. In the Nick of Time, a Big-Time Maverick from the West! Appears
330. Me and Myself Appears
331. United States of America Appears
332. State-of-the-Art Hypersonic Intercontinental Cruise... Appears
333. Specter Appears
334. Parting Gift Appears

Anime Appearances

v e
Season 1
1. Izuku Midoriya: Origin Absent
2. What It Takes to Be a Hero Absent
3. Roaring Muscles Absent
4. Start Line Absent
5. What I Can Do for Now Absent
6. Rage, You Damn Nerd Absent
7. Deku vs. Kacchan Absent
8. Bakugo's Start Line Debut
9. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Ida! Appears
10. Encounter with the Unknown Appears
11. Game Over Appears
12. All Might Appears
13. In Each of Our Hearts Appears
v e
Season 2
14. That's the Idea, Ochaco Flashback
15. Roaring Sports Festival Absent
16. In Their Own Quirky Ways Appears
17. Strategy, Strategy, Strategy Absent
18. Cavalry Battle Finale Absent
19. The Boy Born with Everything Absent
20. Victory or Defeat Absent
21. Battle on, Challengers! Absent
22. Bakugo vs. Uraraka Appears
23. Shoto Todoroki: Origin Absent
24. Fight on, Ida Appears
25. Todoroki vs. Bakugo Appears
26. Time to Pick Some Names Flashback
27. Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears Appears
28. Midoriya and Shigaraki Appears
29. Hero Killer: Stain vs U.A. Students Appears
30. Climax Appears
31. The Aftermath of Hero Killer: Stain Appears
32. Everyone's Internships Absent
33. Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past Screen
34. Gear up for Final Exams Absent
35. Yaoyorozu: Rising Absent
36. Stripping the Varnish Absent
37. Katsuki Bakugo: Origin Appears
38. Encounter Appears
v e
Season 3
39. Game Start Appears
40. Wild, Wild Pussycats Appears
41. Kota Absent
42. My Hero Flashback
43. Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!! Appears
44. Roaring Upheaval Mentioned
45. What a Twist! Appears
46. From Ida to Midoriya Appears
47. All For One Appears
48. Symbol of Peace Appears
49. One For All Flashback
50. End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End Appears
51. Moving into Dorms Absent
52. Create Those Ultimate Moves Flashback
53. The Test Absent
54. Shiketsu High Lurking Absent
55. Class 1-A Absent
56. RUSH! Absent
57. Rescue Exercises Absent
58. Special Episode: Save the World with Love! Absent
59. What's the Big Idea? Absent
60. A Talk about Your Quirk Appears
61. Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 Absent
62. A Season for Encounters Mentioned
63. Unrivaled Appears
v e
Season 4
64. The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A Absent
65. Overhaul Appears
66. Boy Meets... Flashback
67. Fighting Fate Appears
68. Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot Appears
69. An Unpleasant Talk Absent
70. GO!! Fantasy
71. Suneater of the Big Three Absent
72. Red Riot Absent
73. Temp Squad Flashback
74. Lemillion Mentioned
75. Unforeseen Hope Fantasy
76. Infinite 100% Absent
77. Bright Future Appears
78. Smoldering Flames Mentioned
79. Win Those Kids' Hearts Absent
80. Relief for License Trainees Absent
81. School Festival Absent
82. Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part Flashback
83. Gold Tips Imperial Absent
84. Deku vs. Gentle Criminal Absent
85. School Festival Start!! Absent
86. Let It Flow! School Festival! Absent
87. Japanese Hero Billboard Chart Absent
88. His Start Absent
v e
Season 5
89. All Hands on Deck! Class 1-A Absent
90. Vestiges Mentioned
91. Clash! Class A vs. Class B! Absent
92. Make It Happen, Shinso! Absent
93. Operation New Improv Moves Flashback
94. Foresight Absent
95. Match 3 Absent
96. Match 3 Conclusion Absent
97. Early Bird! Absent
98. That Which Is Inherited Fantasy
99. Our Brawl Absent
100. The New Power and All For One Absent
101. Have a Merry Christmas! Appears
102. Off to Endeavor's Agency! Absent
103. One Thing at a Time Mentioned
104. Long Time No See, Selkie Absent
105. The Hellish Todoroki Family Absent
106. The Unforgiven Absent
107. More of a Hero Than Anyone Appears
108. My Villain Academia Appears
109. Revival Party Appears
110. Sad Man's Parade Appears
111. Tenko Shimura: Origin Appears
112. Tomura Shigaraki: Origin Appears
113. The High, Deep Blue Sky Appears


Early concept design for Tomura.

  • Tomura was initially designed to be creepier, having empty, black eyes and mouth. Aside from those specific features, this design was not very different from his final one. His prototype codename was Sazanka ( ( ) ( ザン ) ( ) , Sazanka ? lit. "Sand Calamity").
  • Tomura's surname contains the kanji for "death" ( , shi ? ), "handle, grip" ( , gara ? ) and "tree" ( , ki ? ), and his first name contains "funerals" ( , tomura ? ). Additionally, his birth name contains the kanji for "intention" ( , shi ? ), "village" ( , mura ? ), "revolve" ( , ten ? ) and "arc" ( , ko ? ).
  • Tomura's rankings in the Popularity Polls are as follows:
    • Tomura ranked 19th in the First Popularity Poll.
    • Ranked 16th in the Second Popularity Poll
    • Ranked 15th in the Third Popularity Poll.
    • Ranked 24th in the Fourth Popularity Poll.
    • Ranked 6th place in the Fifth Popularity Poll.
    • Ranked 10th place in the Sixth Popularity Poll.
  • Horikoshi revealed that he found drawing inexpressive hands extremely difficult. He stated that he was on the verge of tears every week due to having to draw a particular character which we are left to assume is Tomura.[35]
  • Horikoshi revealed that Tomura is based on the protagonist of his first oneshot from 2007 titled "Tenko", starring the eponymous boy during war time in feudal Japan.[36]
    • Both share the same first name (Tomura's real name is Tenko Shimura).
    • Both share the same power to disintegrate anything they touch with their hands.
    • Both are orphans, having accidentally killed loved ones with their powers.
    • Both are driven by a deep hate for the world and a very intense goal to destroy something in it. For Tomura, it's All Might and the world of heroes, and for Tenko, he wants to destroy all the swords in the world.
    • The design and appearance of Tomura when he is young is similar to Tenko's, only with shorter hair.
  • He shares his birthday with Naomasa Tsukauchi, Chiyo Shuzenji and Kesagiriman.
  • The severed hands that Tomura wears across his body are remnants of the first people he ever killed.
    • The hands around his neck came from his mother.
    • The hands on his upper arms came from his maternal grandfather.
    • The hands on his elbows came from his maternal grandmother.
    • The hands on his wrists came from his older sister.
    • The hands on his shoulders and sides came from two random men who made Tomura angry.
    • The hand that he wears on his face came from his father.
      • The hand he wears on the back of his head is a replacement given to him by All For One after he used his Quirk to destroy his father's other hand, later revealed to be the hand of his paternal grandmother, Nana Shimura.[28]
  • Tomura can be considered as a dark parallel to Izuku Midoriya. Although My Hero Academia tells the story of how Izuku became the greatest hero, it possibly also focuses on how Tomura will become the greatest villain. Like Izuku, Tomura starts off being rather naïve and insecure of his position and strength, gradually becoming more mature, confident, and powerful as the story continues.
    • Additionally, both Tomura and Izuku had similar backgrounds: children determined to become heroes that were bullied, neglected, and ostracized by society with only their respective masters, All For One and All Might, taking pity upon them. These mentors taught them to use their origins and pasts as motivations to become greater, although All For One's reasoning for helping Tomura was purely selfish.
  • Tomura is one of the few people revealed to be descendants of the 3 most infamous villains: All For One, Destro, and Oji Harima. In Tomura's case, he is the adopted son of All For One, the only descendant not blood related to their predecessor.
  • Tomura technically has the most Quirks in the series. When he attained the All For One Quirk, he gained every Quirk that All For One had stolen while also possessing his own Decay Quirk, although Tomura has not been seen using all of the Quirks at his disposal as of yet. However, this no longer applies after New Order has destroyed several Quirks inside his body.[33]
  • In the manga, Tomura's speech bubbles are drawn with jagged edges, but after regaining his memories, they are drawn normally. This is reflected in the English dub of the anime with Tomura's voice being light and raspy, but after regaining his memories, it becomes less raspy and gets a slightly deeper tone to it.
    • In the dub, his voice also is shown to become raspy as a child after he starts to give into his urge to destroy.


  • (To himself) "Create a world without All Might. And cause enough destruction to show them all how fragile their justice really is. From this day forward… that's my conviction. It's all about All Might." [37]
  • (To Overhaul) "Now you're a useless, helpless, Quirkless wonder. All that hard work you put in! It's mine now!! Your life's gonna be a real nail-bitter now... not that you've got any nails left to bite. You should just sit back and watch!! Have a nice life!! Because this... is our time!" [38]
  • (In regards to his mask) "These sorts of things too... all unnecessary." [39]
  • "You Heroes pretend to be society's guardians. For generations, you pretended not to see those you couldn't protect and swept their pain under the rug. It's tainted everything you've built. That means your system's all rotten from the inside with maggots crawling out. It all builds up, little by little, over time. You've got the common trash, all too dependent on being protected. And the brave guardians who created the trash that need coddling. It's a corrupt, vicious cycle. Everything I've witnessed, this whole system you've built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough? I don't care if you understand. That's what makes us heroes and villains." [21]


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 237 and Episode 112.
  2. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 17 and Episode 11.
  3. 3.0 3.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 68 and Episode 38.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 235 and Episode 111.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 69 and Episode 38.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 88 and Episode 48.
  7. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 222 and Episode 108.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 236 and Episode 111.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 238 and Episode 112.
  10. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 234 and Episode 111.
  11. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 239 and Episode 112.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 275.
  13. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 223 and Episode 108.
  14. 14.0 14.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 234.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 15 and Episode 10.
  16. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 296.
  17. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 305.
  18. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 268.
  19. 19.0 19.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 277.
  20. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 273.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 283.
  22. 22.0 22.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 276.
  23. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 332.
  24. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 284.
  25. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 227 and Episode 109.
  26. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 160 and Episode 77.
  27. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 239.
  28. 28.0 28.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 270.
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 274.
  30. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 285.
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 330.
  32. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 334 (p. 2).
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 333.
  34. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 334.
  35. My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 2, Omake
  36. My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 23, Omake
  37. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 69.
  38. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 160 (pp. 15-17).
  39. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 238.

Site Navigation

v e League of Villains
Current Leader Tomura Shigaraki
Recruits Dabi • Himiko Toga • Magne • Moonfish • Mr. Compress • Muscular • Mustard • Spinner • Twice
Underlings Axer • Berserker • Chomper • Dragon • Four-Armed Zealot • Gorilla • Gravitational Spring • Green Gaping Jaw • Hanzo Suiden • Hard Head • Invisible Wall • Martial Hair • Minotaurus • Mummy • Muscle Man • Needle Hair • One-Eyed Green Dragon • Oxy-Man • Sharkyonara • Sharp Blade • Sickle Claw • Steel Bulwark • Stitched Giant • Tesla • Thousand Eyes • Varanus • Victor • Yoshamaru
Standard Nomu U.S.J Nomu • Hosu Nomus • Chainsaw Nomu • Johnny
High-End Nomu Chubs • Eleph • Hood • Ribby • Robot • Woman • Six Unnamed
Associates Giran • Nine
Original Members All For One • Kyudai Garaki • Gigantomachia • Nomu • Kurogiri
Locations Haibori Woods • Jaku General Hospital • League of Villains Bar • Nomu Factory
v e Paranormal Liberation Front
Grand Commander Tomura Shigaraki
Lieutenants Dabi • Geten • Himiko Toga • Mr. Compress • Re-Destro • Skeptic • Spinner • Trumpet • Twice
Advisers Slidin' Go
Warriors Gigantomachia
Other Members Kyudai Garaki
Nomu Lower Tier (Mocha • Johnny) • Near High-EndsHigh Ends (Chubs • Eleph • Ribby • Robot • Woman • Six Unnamed)
Associates All For One • Cider House • Dictator • Ending • Giran • Hawks • Overhaul • Lady Nagant • Moonfish • Muscular • Starservant
Locations Gunga Mountain Villa • Jaku General Hospital
v e Families and Civilians
Asui Family Beru Asui • Ganma Asui • Tsuyu Asui • Samidare Asui • Satsuki Asui
Bakugo Family Masaru Bakugo • Mitsuki Bakugo • Katsuki Bakugo
Ida Family Tensei Ida • Tenya Ida
Jiro Family Kyotoku Jiro • Mika Jiro • Kyoka Jiro
Midoriya Family Hisashi Midoriya • Inko Midoriya • Izuku Midoriya
Shimano Family Katsuma Shimano • Mahoro Shimano
Shigaraki Family All For One • Yoichi Shigaraki • Tomura Shigaraki
Shimura Family Chizuo • Hana Shimura • Kotaro Shimura • Mako • Nana Shimura • Nao Shimura • Tenko Shimura
Takami Family Keigo Takami • Tomie Takami
Todoroki Family Enji Todoroki • Rei Todoroki • Fuyumi Todoroki • Natsuo Todoroki • Shoto Todoroki • Toya Todoroki
Tsukauchi Family Makoto Tsukauchi • Naomasa Tsukauchi
Shield Family David Shield • Melissa Shield
Soul Family Eddie Soul • Lala Soul • Rody Soul • Roro Soul
Haimawari Family Koichi Haimawari • Shoko Haimawari
Oguro Family Iwao Oguro • Tamao Oguro
Skyline Family Christopher Skyline • Pamela
Civilians Aorio Kuraishisu • Daikaku Miyagi • Eri • Gantetsu • Hikage Shinomori • Hime • Ichimoku Samazu • Ikkaku • Jube Namimaru • Komari Ikoma • Kota Izumi • Luminescent Baby • Miyashita • Public Safety Commission President • Rin Yaritezawa • Saito • Samuel Abraham • Sho • Takuto • Tamashiro • Taneo Tokuda • Teruo Hazukashi • The Mother of Quirks • Tsubasa • Untenmaru Kurumada • Yokumiru Mera

Deku One for All Drawing White and Black


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