Arizona Chiropractic Continuing Education Seminars 2018
Fetterman Events is the one of the largest Chiropractic Organizations in the U.S.
We provide high quality continuing education programs across the country on a variety of topics with well known and expert instructors presenting programs that the majority of chiropractors want to learn more about and that will give you the tools to use in your practice Our seminars are purely 'fluff' seminars and no sales pitches!
Fetterman Events is recognized by the PACE program of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards

2022 Instructors:
Dr. Terry Yochum ~ Dr. Rob Jackson ~ Dr. Brandon Aucker ~ Dr. Rick Carter ~ Dr. James Darrach ~ Dr. Jeff Demko ~ Dr. Robert Fenell ~ Dr. John Hart ~ Dr. Jeff Hayden ~ Dr. Brad Hayes ~ Dr. Luke Henry ~ Dr. Stuart Humberg ~ Dr. Paul Jaskoviak ~ Dr. James Kendel ~ Dr. Barry Kotheimer ~ Dr. Van Merkle ~ Dr. Dale Morgan ~ Manfred Reichart (Germany Instr.) ~ Dr. Alicia Yochum

Doctor Program
The Fetterman Events Doctor Program is the only one of it's kind!
Benefits of Being A Member:
2 Year Enrollment Benefit Period which includes:
Unlimited Free Live CE Seminars
Unlimited Free Online CE Seminars
As a member, you can attend only as many hours of a seminar as you want during the benefit period - All hours, or just a couple at a time - it's your choice! When you're enrolled in the program, you can take UNLIMITED CE seminars - live, live-stream and online - FREE for a two year benefit period.

Whether 1 doctor attends...or 100 - we will still hold the seminar! Once you register for a seminar, you can count on it taking place!
*Must have at least 1 doctor registered 1 week prior to enforce policy
Looking forward to seeing you again. I get far more out of your seminars than any other I have taken in 35 years experience. They help my patients the next day. Thanks a lot.
- Dr. R. Stenton, Ohio
I just wanted to take a moment to THANK YOU for a wonderful seminar today! Every time I come to your seminars, I feel the passion I've always had for chiropractic rekindled. Thank you. Your seminars are top notch and my husband and I appreciate all you do for making them so easily accessible.
- Dr. M. & K. Sutton, Michigan
Being in the Doctor Program, I can now take as many seminars as I want and pay nothing. Amazing these guys can do such a great job without robbing me blind! It's about time a company came around that really supports us doctors!
- Dr. Roy Ostenson, Wisconsin
Thank you! I really appreciate the way you do everything possible to elevate this profession and provide us with quality continuing education hours. The membership cost is a great value for the money, and I have recommended you to several colleagues. I know I get my money's worth even if I only attend one or two seminars. I love that you have such a great variety of topics and speakers as well. I never feel like I'm settling just to get my required hours. Although I live near Indianapolis, I appreciate that you offer seminars throughout the state. Many speakers will only travel to the big cities and that can be a hardship on chiropractors that may have to travel and have additional expenses. Thanks again!
- J. Gibson, Avon, IN,
I go away from Fetterman Events with a sense of "wow", because I get more out of them than expected. This was no different and I seriously can't wait to implement much of what we went over this past weekend.
- Dr. B Killian, Michigan

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